The Board of Directors of Chimney Rock Public Power District selected Curtis Kayton to be their next leader. Curtis brings nearly 30 years of industry experience and is a seasoned veteran of Nebraska’s Public Power Industry.
A fun fact about him is that he was born in Scottsbluff where he lives today. He was 13 when he cleaned off his first digger truck and that event minted his career aspirations. Poles and wires fed his desire to learn, and he continued those pursuits as a Navy Seabee from 1989-1994 then the private sector until another significant event redirected his path.
“My public power employment began at Southwest Public Power District in 2000 and shortly thereafter I knew my life calling had been revealed. Nebraska is the only state where 100% of the electric grid infrastructure is owned by all residents of Nebraska. We have complete authority and fiduciary duty to operate Nebraska’s electric systems in the most economical and reliable manner. An endeavor that is routinely restated that Nebraska’s electric rates rank 20% lower than the national average, and reliability of electric service has been ranked #1 in the Nation.
Public Power is the pinnacle of public service and a role that has brought me great satisfaction over my career. There are many uncertainties in our future and navigating these uncertainties while keeping rates affordable, and service reliable will remain a top priority. I am very fortunate to continue my journey at Chimney Rock PPD and make a positive impact.”
Chimney Rock PPD is headquartered in Bayard, NE and serves approximately 3,300 meters and maintains 1,010 miles of line in parts of Morrill, Box Butte, Sioux, Scottsbluff, and Banner counties in the Nebraska Panhandle.